Monday, July 18, 2011

Two weeks overdue...

So, as the title suggests, this posts is about two weeks overdue.  It's been a crazy few weeks, and I will get into that here shortly!

When I weighed myself a few weeks ago, I was surprised a the number.  I was expecting to have gained back some of the weight I've lost, but instead, I did, for the third month in a row, lose weight!  Now, it wasn't very much, but still, a negative number is better than nothing!

In the month of June, I lost a total of 4 pounds, bringing my total weight loss to 20 pounds, and I'm down to 312.  I am hoping, this month to lose 12 more and get me down to 300 even, or even better, to get out of the 300's forever and into the 200's for a short while.  It's not looking like 12 pounds will happen, but I do think I will lose more, and keep the momentum going.  Even if I don't break 300 pounds, I'm not going to let that slow me down.

Now, as I said before, the past few weeks have been a bit crazy.  There was the 4th of July that took place, and even bigger (to me) was the fact that I got a new job!  I've only been there for a week, but so far, I really like it.  I now work for a company that values it's employees and places a lot of trust in us, and because of that, I'm going to work my butt off for them.

Among the many perks of my new employer, is it's emphasis on health and fitness.  Now, being a big girl, that is slightly intimidating to me.  There have been times that I've felt like there was a huge spotlight on me as one of the few overweight people who work there, and whenever the topic of health and wellness comes up, there's a huge white elephant in the room with my name on it.  Haha, get it?  White elephant???  I wasn't even going for it, but it seems to be a nice little pun!  Yeah... anyway....

I really need to not to talk negatively about myself.  Growing up, I had huge self-image issues that all came back to my weight.  I really think that's one of the reasons why I've gotten to the size I am now. After the summer of 2008, that stopped.  I no longer thought that way about myself and I actually did get healthier for a while.  For the past year or so, though, I've regressed.  I've let negative thoughts creep into my head and those thoughts manifested in a gain in weight, which just reinforced those thoughts, and they cycle continued.

I need to stop thinking about myself that way and think about myself as Christ does - but still with humility.  According to Jesus Christ, I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  My body is a temple, so there is some renovating that needs to be done, but according to Him, I still have value, worth, and beauty.  I can't let Satan grab a hold of me any longer.  I am free from his bonds.  I was freed from them when Christ died for me 2000 years ago.  Praise the Lord!

Okay, so in conclusion, another 4 pounds gone, a new job that emphasizes and even rewards health, and no more being negative about God's creation!

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