Check this out with me, ladies, I've recently gotten involved with AdvoCare and I've already seen incredible results! Let's see what AdvoCare can do for you!
This is an ongoing chronicle recording my journey as I go from weighing over 300 pounds to (hopefully) running a marathon in 2015. What motivates me, what scares me, what's holding me back and what propels me forward!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
AdvoCare Ladies Only Webinar
Check this out with me, ladies, I've recently gotten involved with AdvoCare and I've already seen incredible results! Let's see what AdvoCare can do for you!
Monday, September 26, 2011
Weight update!
I weighed myself earlier this week, and I've lost another 6 pounds, bringing my grand total to 40 pounds lost in the last 6(ish) month's, 20 of which were lost in the last two!
Down to 346 pounds! My birthday is in about 6 months, hoping to be under 300 for good by then!
Down to 346 pounds! My birthday is in about 6 months, hoping to be under 300 for good by then!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Yesterday was the dreaded ISC Corporate Challenge. I got up about 45
minutes after I planned on getting up so I was very rushed in getting
ready, and stressed the entire drive there about getting there on time.
(Even to the point of potentially very dangerously taking my vitamins
with my meal shake while driving, which I DO NOT recommend you do at
When I got there, I walked all over the field trying to find my team, and I turned out to actually be one of the first people there. I awkwardly stood around trying to find other overweight people so I didn't feel like such as sore thumb sticking out in a crowd of super athletes. After I started talking to people from my office and broke out of my shell a bit (which is something I'm finding is getting easier and easier!) I started feeling really good! In the matter of just a few minutes, I went from wanted to crawl in the back seat of my car and hide under anything I could find, to feeling pumped, feeling energized, and ready to run the 5 mile run that was about to take place! Of course I didn't run the 5-mile run, but the point is, I was feeling good!
I started talking to someone from the department next to mine and we agreed after a few minutes, that next year, she and I were going to do the 5-mile run together. We even high-fived about it! Later on I decided that I would be fine with either the 5-mile run, or the 5K run, but I want to do at least one running event at the Corporate Challenge next year!
As the event went on, I got even more comfortable, and I think I helped a few others, who were really shy, feel more comfortable. The only event I was doing was the Tug-of-War, which originally I was going to do that and the 5K walk, but Kelsey took me out of the 5K walk so I would have fresh legs for Tug-of-War. Something I didn't think would be a big deal, but I'll get into that in a minute! While getting ready for Tug-of-War, I was watching the people around me and I felt so inspired and so encouraged. All around me I saw athleticism. All around me I saw camaraderie. All around me I saw people supporting their teammates and co-workers.
Watching the runners run towards the finish line was inspiring in itself and I kept telling myself: "This is going to be me next year!"
I was surprised when Kelsey told me that she didn't want me to do the 5K walk, especially when she knows how hard I'm working toward a marathon by 2015. After the event started, though, I understood why! We all made sure we had cleats and gloves for the event and we NEEDED THEM! The first team we went against were tough, but we beat them. The next one was a bit easier, but was still a fight. I got several comments after that pull about my screaming and, I'm guessing, the intense/fierce look on my face. By the 3rd pull, however, I was digging deep, but after pulling for what seemed like several minutes (was probably actually only a few seconds) with absolutely everything I had, I just had nothing left. I held on to the rope as hard as I could, but I could see it slipping through my gloved hands.
It was a hard fight, and afterwards, I felt it. My legs were shot. My arms were stiff. My hands felt so weak it was hard for me to pick up an apple, or peel my banana! At that point, I understood why Kelsey didn't want me to do both! I wouldn't have lasted through the first pull after walking as fast and hard as I could. This morning I work up and every muscle from one elbow, to the other was very sore. Even some muscles in my forearms and my abs were also sore! It's eye-opening too, that I was able to last as long as the others in my team pulling that rope. They got tired pretty much as soon as I did. Granted, I think they recovered faster, but the point is, I'm getting stronger, and in better shape!
Overall, I'm feeling much better about my weight loss journey! After the Corporate Challenge and the encouragement of my friends, I feel encouraged and ready to hit the treadmill again tomorrow!
Wish me perseverance!
When I got there, I walked all over the field trying to find my team, and I turned out to actually be one of the first people there. I awkwardly stood around trying to find other overweight people so I didn't feel like such as sore thumb sticking out in a crowd of super athletes. After I started talking to people from my office and broke out of my shell a bit (which is something I'm finding is getting easier and easier!) I started feeling really good! In the matter of just a few minutes, I went from wanted to crawl in the back seat of my car and hide under anything I could find, to feeling pumped, feeling energized, and ready to run the 5 mile run that was about to take place! Of course I didn't run the 5-mile run, but the point is, I was feeling good!
I started talking to someone from the department next to mine and we agreed after a few minutes, that next year, she and I were going to do the 5-mile run together. We even high-fived about it! Later on I decided that I would be fine with either the 5-mile run, or the 5K run, but I want to do at least one running event at the Corporate Challenge next year!
As the event went on, I got even more comfortable, and I think I helped a few others, who were really shy, feel more comfortable. The only event I was doing was the Tug-of-War, which originally I was going to do that and the 5K walk, but Kelsey took me out of the 5K walk so I would have fresh legs for Tug-of-War. Something I didn't think would be a big deal, but I'll get into that in a minute! While getting ready for Tug-of-War, I was watching the people around me and I felt so inspired and so encouraged. All around me I saw athleticism. All around me I saw camaraderie. All around me I saw people supporting their teammates and co-workers.
Watching the runners run towards the finish line was inspiring in itself and I kept telling myself: "This is going to be me next year!"
I was surprised when Kelsey told me that she didn't want me to do the 5K walk, especially when she knows how hard I'm working toward a marathon by 2015. After the event started, though, I understood why! We all made sure we had cleats and gloves for the event and we NEEDED THEM! The first team we went against were tough, but we beat them. The next one was a bit easier, but was still a fight. I got several comments after that pull about my screaming and, I'm guessing, the intense/fierce look on my face. By the 3rd pull, however, I was digging deep, but after pulling for what seemed like several minutes (was probably actually only a few seconds) with absolutely everything I had, I just had nothing left. I held on to the rope as hard as I could, but I could see it slipping through my gloved hands.
It was a hard fight, and afterwards, I felt it. My legs were shot. My arms were stiff. My hands felt so weak it was hard for me to pick up an apple, or peel my banana! At that point, I understood why Kelsey didn't want me to do both! I wouldn't have lasted through the first pull after walking as fast and hard as I could. This morning I work up and every muscle from one elbow, to the other was very sore. Even some muscles in my forearms and my abs were also sore! It's eye-opening too, that I was able to last as long as the others in my team pulling that rope. They got tired pretty much as soon as I did. Granted, I think they recovered faster, but the point is, I'm getting stronger, and in better shape!
Overall, I'm feeling much better about my weight loss journey! After the Corporate Challenge and the encouragement of my friends, I feel encouraged and ready to hit the treadmill again tomorrow!
Wish me perseverance!
Saturday, September 17, 2011
2011 Corperate Challenge
Next week I will be doing a 5K walk with some other folks at work in one of the events of the 2011 Corperate Challenge taking place in Indianapolis. I'm also participating in the tug-of-war challenge, and hopefully my height and supposed upper body strength will be advantageous for once! (My height at least!) As exciting as doing this event is, I am a bit apprehensive about it as well.
I've always been very nervous and uncomfortable in places where there are lots of fit, athletic people - like gyms, for example. I'm expecting the Corporate Challenge to be no different. There are a couple dozen people from my own work place meeting with who knows how many other people from other offices around Indy. Not only will I be surrounded by fit people from all over the city, and the state for all I know, I'll be representing my workplace and will likely be one of the only, if not THE only overweight person there.
Another reason I kind of nervous is because I don't think I'm in as good a shape as others my size/height/weight, and I'm not in as good a shape as I'd like to be by this point in my journey. I am very competitive and have a habit of comparing myself to others as well competing against myself, and one day, out of curiosity, I Googled how long it takes for a 300+ pound woman to walk a mile. The answer really surprised me. I read, in several places that it should be typical for a woman my weight to walk a mile in 15 minutes! I'm pushing to get one in in 20 minutes on the treadmill at work! And that's even having to take a short break or two because the sides of my calves are on fire. (I usually don't have to do that when walking outside which is probably why I like walking/running outside so much more.)
It's disheartening to find that out because I thought, at least by now, that compared to other women/people my size, I was in better shape, and I'm working hard to continue in that track. Today I walked around Shadyside, one of my favorite parks in Anderson and I walked about a mile farther than I usually do, but I was struggling the entire time. My legs were burning, and I was getting winded a lot faster than I thought I should be. I kept going, but every step was harder than my past walks.
I'm nervous because I will be surrounded by athletes at a highly athletic event and I'm afraid I will stick out like a sore thumb. I'm discouraged because apparently I'm really out of shape even compared to other women my weight.
I've always been very nervous and uncomfortable in places where there are lots of fit, athletic people - like gyms, for example. I'm expecting the Corporate Challenge to be no different. There are a couple dozen people from my own work place meeting with who knows how many other people from other offices around Indy. Not only will I be surrounded by fit people from all over the city, and the state for all I know, I'll be representing my workplace and will likely be one of the only, if not THE only overweight person there.
Another reason I kind of nervous is because I don't think I'm in as good a shape as others my size/height/weight, and I'm not in as good a shape as I'd like to be by this point in my journey. I am very competitive and have a habit of comparing myself to others as well competing against myself, and one day, out of curiosity, I Googled how long it takes for a 300+ pound woman to walk a mile. The answer really surprised me. I read, in several places that it should be typical for a woman my weight to walk a mile in 15 minutes! I'm pushing to get one in in 20 minutes on the treadmill at work! And that's even having to take a short break or two because the sides of my calves are on fire. (I usually don't have to do that when walking outside which is probably why I like walking/running outside so much more.)
It's disheartening to find that out because I thought, at least by now, that compared to other women/people my size, I was in better shape, and I'm working hard to continue in that track. Today I walked around Shadyside, one of my favorite parks in Anderson and I walked about a mile farther than I usually do, but I was struggling the entire time. My legs were burning, and I was getting winded a lot faster than I thought I should be. I kept going, but every step was harder than my past walks.
I'm nervous because I will be surrounded by athletes at a highly athletic event and I'm afraid I will stick out like a sore thumb. I'm discouraged because apparently I'm really out of shape even compared to other women my weight.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Jump start into Wellness
The past few days I've been trying something new to help jump start and motivate myself to keep working towards my weight loss goals. I am on day 5 of the 24 day challenge which is a recommended start of a product line called AdvoCare. It's more that just a jump start though, the company really encourages a healthy, well-rounded lifestyle and offers products and assistance to help you get there. Advocare is a company that offers very high quality health and wellness suppliments that encourage weight loss, energy, healthy metabolism and overall wellness. I've been using a few of their products for a while now, and I think that along with an exercise regimen, it will help me with my goal of running a marathon in 2015!
The first Advocare product I used was an energy drink called Spark. My friend who introduced it to me said it would make me "feel like a million bucks" and I was a bit skeptical, to be honest, but I have to say, he was right! It's a sugar-free, 45 calorie drink mix that not only tastes amazing, but it really works! When I drank it, it certainly gave me an energy boost, but not a typical caffeine jolt or sugar high energy boost that inevitably leads to a crash. It really felt like I had a good night sleep. I felt more mentally focused. My mood was lifted and I felt ready to take on the day. All that after one Spark drink! It wasn't long until I purchased a box of my own and the energy, focus and mood improvement continued!
The other product I bought on that first purchase were the meal replacement shakes. I was told that they tasted great but when I got it, I was skeptical, again, that it would actually be as good as it was made out to be. How tasty and filling could a powder mixed with 8-9 ounces of water be? I usually do put a little more water than the instructions called for, but I was amazed at how thick and filling the shakes were! Contained in the shake are 24 grams of protein paired with 24 carbs, between 5-6 grams of fiber, and 26 vitamins and minerals - all promoting well-rounded, easily digestible nutrition. I usually replace breakfast with a shake, and sometimes lunch too depending on how busy my day is, but they are always tasty and filling.
Another thing I really like about AdvoCare is that the products that I have used are not only tasty, they are packed with nutrients, but low in calories. The Spark has only 45 calories, as I mentioned before, and the meal replacement shakes have only 220. All those benefits, and so few calories!
The 24 Day Challenge I'm doing now starts off with a 10-day cleanse, which I am half-way through now, and then goes to the 14 day max phase that promotes metabolism, energy and weight loss/management. I've already noticed a slight increase in energy and I'm not even to the max phase! I measured myself before I started and using my weight from a few weeks ago as my starting weight and plan on checking again as soon as I'm done with the challenge. I've heard that significant weight loss is common, as is a noticable reduction in inches. I'm excited to see how it works for me!
The first Advocare product I used was an energy drink called Spark. My friend who introduced it to me said it would make me "feel like a million bucks" and I was a bit skeptical, to be honest, but I have to say, he was right! It's a sugar-free, 45 calorie drink mix that not only tastes amazing, but it really works! When I drank it, it certainly gave me an energy boost, but not a typical caffeine jolt or sugar high energy boost that inevitably leads to a crash. It really felt like I had a good night sleep. I felt more mentally focused. My mood was lifted and I felt ready to take on the day. All that after one Spark drink! It wasn't long until I purchased a box of my own and the energy, focus and mood improvement continued!
The other product I bought on that first purchase were the meal replacement shakes. I was told that they tasted great but when I got it, I was skeptical, again, that it would actually be as good as it was made out to be. How tasty and filling could a powder mixed with 8-9 ounces of water be? I usually do put a little more water than the instructions called for, but I was amazed at how thick and filling the shakes were! Contained in the shake are 24 grams of protein paired with 24 carbs, between 5-6 grams of fiber, and 26 vitamins and minerals - all promoting well-rounded, easily digestible nutrition. I usually replace breakfast with a shake, and sometimes lunch too depending on how busy my day is, but they are always tasty and filling.
Another thing I really like about AdvoCare is that the products that I have used are not only tasty, they are packed with nutrients, but low in calories. The Spark has only 45 calories, as I mentioned before, and the meal replacement shakes have only 220. All those benefits, and so few calories!
The 24 Day Challenge I'm doing now starts off with a 10-day cleanse, which I am half-way through now, and then goes to the 14 day max phase that promotes metabolism, energy and weight loss/management. I've already noticed a slight increase in energy and I'm not even to the max phase! I measured myself before I started and using my weight from a few weeks ago as my starting weight and plan on checking again as soon as I'm done with the challenge. I've heard that significant weight loss is common, as is a noticable reduction in inches. I'm excited to see how it works for me!
Monday, September 5, 2011
I'm not running alone!
Something interesting happened the other day at work. I got a text message from a friend stating that he had a proposition for me. I had no idea what he meant, but this is the same friend who got me started on a product line called Advocare, which more infomation will be coming about Advocare shortly! Anyway, the proposition thrown out at me was that my friend, Dan, would run the marathon with me come 2015!
I wasn't really sure what to make of it at first, but a few minutes after reading the text message I got really excited! Through this whole process thus far I've figured that I'd run the race by myself, and maybe have some friends and family members cheer me on from the side and/or wait for me at the finish line. Never did I think that someone would want to run it with me!
This new development adds a small degree of pressure for me, but a big chunk of motivation to keep going. After my most recent weigh in I kinda took it easy for a while. I didn't totally let myself go, but I didn't push quite as hard either. Today I'm pushing again. Pushing to eat right and exercise on a regular basis. Pushing to better myself and treat this temple that God gave me in a more glorifying manner!
I know that 2015 is a long way away, and a lot can happen in 4-5 years (depending on when in 2015 the race takes place, I must say, I haven't really thought that far just yet), so I'm not 100% counting on him, but I am excited about the fact that I do have a friend to run the marathon with me! I could use the accountability and the encouragement as I work towards it!
I wasn't really sure what to make of it at first, but a few minutes after reading the text message I got really excited! Through this whole process thus far I've figured that I'd run the race by myself, and maybe have some friends and family members cheer me on from the side and/or wait for me at the finish line. Never did I think that someone would want to run it with me!
This new development adds a small degree of pressure for me, but a big chunk of motivation to keep going. After my most recent weigh in I kinda took it easy for a while. I didn't totally let myself go, but I didn't push quite as hard either. Today I'm pushing again. Pushing to eat right and exercise on a regular basis. Pushing to better myself and treat this temple that God gave me in a more glorifying manner!
I know that 2015 is a long way away, and a lot can happen in 4-5 years (depending on when in 2015 the race takes place, I must say, I haven't really thought that far just yet), so I'm not 100% counting on him, but I am excited about the fact that I do have a friend to run the marathon with me! I could use the accountability and the encouragement as I work towards it!
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