Friday, January 6, 2012

You Crave What you Eat

I always thought it was weird that people would tell you to eat what you crave when you're trying to lose weight because I have always craved junk food!  They always said that your body craves what it needed, so I thought, for years, "Hey!  My body craves french fries and copious amounts of salt!!!!!"  Yeah... no.  My weakness for junk food was so bad that the first time I did the 24-Day Challenge you all have heard me rave about, on the 2nd day of the Cleanse Phase, (when you're supposed to be eating SUPER clean foods!) I went across the street to Hardee's and bought a burger and french fries for lunch!  BAD IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!  My friend who was helping me with the cleanse called me out on it and challenged me to go the rest of the challenge without eating fast food.  He claimed that by the end of it, I wouldn't miss it at all.  I absolutely did not believe him!  At the time I was eating fast food 3 to 5 times a week, and had a serious Taco Bell addiction, on top of my addition to french fries.  No wonder I couldn't seem to lose weight!  But, I did what he said.  I cut out soda, and fast food for the rest of the challenge, and now, 4 months later, I haven't touched it, and I don't miss it!

What I learned during that time, and what's been proven to me time and time again since then is that you crave what you put into your body.  If you put junk, and crap and tons of salt and sugar in  your body, you will crave junk and crap and tons of salt and sugar.  If you start eating good, healthy foods, whole wheats, fruits and veggies, nuts, lean meats and other sources of protein, the thought of deep-frying something, or dousing it with oils and fats is almost revolting!

I know this sounds simple and too good to be true, and granted, there are days that I still crave junk food, but those days are getting fewer and farther between!  When I do eat junk food now, I eat a little bit and I'm satisfied with it.  Either that, or I feel like crap afterwards and never want it again (such is the case with pizza rolls, for example!)

All in all, I know how hard it is to start eating healthy, but it does get easier as you do it more!  Keep charging forward and do not give up!


  1. This is so true!! I'm on day 5 of my cleanse phase of the P.I.N.K Method and on Day two and I thought I was going to DIE if I didn't eat something bad for me! Haha. But I held strong and come day 4, it was time for Chase's birthday party. I allowed myself a small cupcake and some chips. Not only did they not taste as great as they thought, I didn't desire to get anymore. I haven't craved junk food since then and I was BIG on sweets (I seriously couldn't get enough...)! So proud of you, your hard work and the encouragement that you are sending out to others! Keep it up!!!

  2. I haven't done the "cleanse phase" but I do know what you mean about the fast food. I cut it out of my diet this summer to save money and I've found the less I eat of it the less I want it. A couple of weeks ago someone was making a Micky D's run and I was feeling lazy so I asked them to pick me up a cheeseburger - it was nasty! The flavor I though I'd missed was just disgusting, I may never eat another Mickey D's cheeseburger again! When I do get my kids a happy meal I sometimes sneak a couple of fries and that completely satisfies me - it wasn't so long ago that I could scarf down a super size fries and not even notice what I was eating...

  3. Hey ladies! Thanks so much for reading and for your feedback! Craving what you eat seems like such a simple concept, but it can be so foreign at the same time! In my experience, once you get the momentum started, it's much easier to keep going! I miss both of you two a ton and I hope we can all continue to be an encouragement to one another! Love in Christ.
