Yesterday in was scheduled to complete a 6 mile run, but didn't because of the weather, so instead I did it today. A few exciting things happened and I also realized something.
First of all, I ran a full mile at 13:20! Not my fastest mile ever, but definitely the fastest without walking!
The 6 miles as a whole felt really good. It was hard, yes, but I slowed my pace down so that I didn't feel like I was going to die halfway through it. I did run when I could, but after pushing for a while I allowed some longer walk breaks. Felt good!
What happened afterward was pretty neat! There was a woman a couple treadmills over from me who approached me as I was cooling down. She said that I made that workout look easy and that I inspired her! She was bigger as well, and I've got to give her credit because she was at the gym working out! She asked me if I had support from friends and family, to which I answered that I did. She told me that she came from a family of marathoners and that she was the black sheep. I didn't get a chance to ask if she had support, but I did thank her. Even though I only did 6 miles (as opposed to 26.2 which is next year!), she said she could never do what I did!
That got me thinking... Anyone can do what I'm doing, but not many will. What I'm doing - going from almost 400lbs to a marathon and beyond - requires dedication and perserverence. Results will not come overnight, and the final goal takes a long time to happen. A lot of people give up long before they hit their final goal, and don't see the vast improvement that's already taken place. Getting healthy requires stamina. Mental stamina. Mental stamina is necessary LONG before physical stamina. (A lesson I'm still learning!) Last of all, getting fit does require support. If the people you surround yourself with don't support your efforts to be fit, then find new people to surround yourself with. As I've said before, at the end of the day, the buck stops with you, however, I would venture to say that it's impossible to make a major lifestyle change on your own.
If you want it bad enough, and you stick with it long enough, you can do it!
You are a leader with incredible wisdom. #Proud I'm looking forward to your next step in life. It will be awesome!