Friday, November 2, 2012

The Long Mile

I find that a lot of people think that I'm more fit than I actually am.  I tried to figure out why and I think it's because I say things like I ran x number of miles, or swam a certain number of laps. It was never my intention to mislead, but when I tell people that I still can't run a full mile without stopping to walk, they are surprised.

When I first started this journey from fat to fit I had a list of things I wanted to accomplish.  Things I could check off as I did them.  I've been able to check off a good number of things, but there are certain steps that I've skipped, or moved on from as I did other things.

One of those was to run a mile without stopping.

I've done three 5K's, each one better than the last and one sprint triathlon all without being able to run a full mile.

Until today.

I have one more race this year.  A 5K with some friends from church on Thanksgiving Day.  My goal was to be able to run a full mile before the race.  I didn't think it would happen until much closer to the race - a few more weeks from now, but during my lunch break, today at work, I did it!

I ran during my lunch with the mindset of just pacing myself and running as far as I could before stoppping to walk.  I had my GPS MapMyRun app going to track my progress.  Around mile marker .68 I wasn't sure how I was going to keep going, then I figured I was already over half way to a full mile, so I might as well keep going.  When I finally did start walking, it was at mile 1.12, and only walked for around 100 yards.  Maybe 150, then finished the 250(ish) yards remaining.

I felt strong when I finished.  I felt good.

But I didn't feel like an athlete, or a runner.

I always thought I would consider myself an athlete when I could run a mile without stopping.

Now that I did that, I still have a hard time thinking of myself as an athlete.

Maybe some day. :-)