Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Weight Update!

If you haven't seen the news already on my facebook, I finally worked up the courage to weigh myself again!  The last time I weighed myself was on November 8th, according to the log in the gym at work, and today, I've subtracted another 13 pounds!  I'm at 319 now, and that's a grand total of 67 pounds lost, 47 of which have been since I started using AdvoCare products!

Another reason why these most recent 13 pounds is so big to me, is because in the almost-two months since I've weighed myself, Thanksgiving and Christmas have taken place, and instead of putting on 5 or 10 pounds and backsliding, the pounds kept coming off!

Not to give all the credit of the poundage lost to AdvoCare, I've been working hard and and sweating up a storm as well and paid a lot more attention to my eating habits, but the products have certainly made a huge impact on me, as well as the support system that has developed because of them!  I know I talk about AdvoCare a lot on here, but I just love how much the products have helped me, and helped me see results on the scale, on the treadmill, and in the dressing room, but one thing that never ceases to amaze me are the people in AdvoCare.  They truly are some of the most supportive, generous, and encouraging people I've ever met!

I can't thank my family, my AdvoCare family, and my church family enough for all the support you've all given me!  I know this is another thing I've harped on as well but the more I think about it, the more necessary, I think, having a strong, deep and broad support system is.  I really think that's why people who want to lose weight start off so strong at times, then things get busy, or they hit a plateau, or something happens, and they fall off the wagon.  It's not necessarily a will-power issue, although granted, that can be a part of it, I really think a huge part of it is that they didn't have friends and loved-ones who understood their desire, and their vision, and supported them in it.  That goes for more than just health, but for any huge goal or change someone tries to implement.

I honestly hope that this blog has been as beneficial for others as it has been for me.  There's nothing I'd rather do than help others feel a great as I feel now, and that goes for health and fitness, as well as hope I have of what will come in 2012.  I've never been a huge fan of New Years Resolutions, but just because it's the new year, that's not going to stop me from pushing and fighting for my goals, and hopefully, I can help you fight for yours!  What better time do we have than now?

Monday, December 26, 2011

Today was a Victory!

I finally broke the 15 minute-mile mark today and ran a mile in 14:44!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've never been an athlete, but I've almost always been, at least someone active.  Be it in sports, marching band, Drum & Bugle Corps, or even running around Ball State campus trying to get to class on time, there has rarely been a time where most of my time I've spend sedentary.  That's changed now.  As much as I do enjoy my job, it's very normal for me to spend 12+ hours a day sitting in a chair.  Still, today I realized that I am in the best physical shape I've ever been in, in my life!

I remember in high school the fastest mile time I remember having was right around 15:30.  When I did drum corps in the summer of 2006, I lost a lot of weight and my physical shape dramatically improved, but not as much as it could have, I don't think, but the recovery time was so minimal.  It also came to a dead stop when I got back home in August.  The changes that took place were not sustainable at all.  (I'll have to write another post about Corps, because it was an amazing experience!)

Like I said earlier, I ran a mile in under 15 minutes today!  I also actually ran over half of that mile, walking about a fourth of it.  (Maybe a little more than that, kinda hard to gauge it.)  I also realized that the pace I now warm up at is faster than I did my entire workout when I first got started several months ago.  I'm also doing my working and my cool down in less time than it took me to do just my workout back then! 

The improvements are coming so quickly now, and I can only thank God and his sufficient grace and faithfulness towards me!  He's provided such an incredible support system of people all over the country, and that is growing all the time!  I know that my story is being used to inspire and encourage people all over the place and that inspires and encourages me even more!  I absolutely could not have made it as far as I have without God's provision!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Over the past few months, I've been working really hard to get healthy and lose weight.  If you asked me three months ago what I thought about the Holidays, I woudl have been nervous, and tried not to think about them too much.  It was never activity that was my biggest problem, it was food.  I've always enjoyed sports and working up a good sweat.  No, my biggest problem was always food.  I had a weakness for massive amount of junk food.

Thanksgiving is the start of the holidays when people usually let themselves go.  Very little attention is paid to nutrition and moderation and it's easy to give into the temptation to indulge again and again and again.  Three months ago, I would have been dreading the Holidays.  Three weeks ago, I wasn't worried at all!

My family is notorious for bringing way too much food for the number of people attending an event.  Good food!  Massive amounts of amazing food!

This year was no different, however, it wasn't a problem!

This year, Thanksgiving was at night, instead of the lunch meal like it normally is with my family.  That day, I didn't change my eating pattern.  I ate breakfast, I ate lunch, and a small snack in the afternoon.  That way, that evening, when the massive amounts of amazing food weren't such an issue anymore!  Yeah, I ate a little more for dinner than I usually did, but I didn't over-indulge!  The next day I weighed myself and I even still lost weight!  (Official weight update to come!)

I think that's the trick.  Between changing attitudes about food, and keeping my normal eating habits, the holidays won't be a disaster!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Let's Do This Together!

 I know you have all heard me talk about this 24 Day Challenge a lot on here, and right now, I want to try something new.  I started this blog for a couple of reasons, for encouragement and accountability for me, but also, so I could inspire and encourage other people trying to lose weight.  The encouragement I've received because of this blog has been tremendous!  I love reading the comments from people and talking to people who stumbled across it thanks to Twitter and Facebook, and now, I want to help others get the results I'm experiencing now!

I would LOVE it if some of you folks, who have been reading my blog, would also do the 24 Day Challenge!  It would be fantastic if we could get a group to do it.  Maybe we'll all be local, maybe we'll be all over the country, I have no idea where a lot of my reader base is, but what I do know, is the more people who participate in this, the merrier!

Leave a comment if you think you may or may not be interested in doing the 24 Day Challenge. Find a friend do to it with you if you'd like!  If you have any questions, let me know and I can either answer them, myself, or point you to someone who knows even more than I do and we can have a great time and get amazing results!

Instead of waiting until the holidays are over, let's create some momentum towards a healthier lifestyle now!  Come January, you won't be starting out, all by yourself, even heavier than you are now, and come February, you won't burn out and give up like so many people do!  With this, you'll have a support system, help from the same great people helping me, and most importantly, RESULTS!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I was on the treadmill yesterday during my lunch and came to the realization that idleness breeds more idleness, and activity breeds more activity.

It was really hard for me to get to the gym yesterday because I felt really tired.  I realized that I've been tired for the past several days, and I also realized that my work-out regimen, of late, has been quite lax.

I've got some great momentum going, and I want to continue that momentum and see those numbers on the scale get smaller and smaller.  There's a pretty big event going on in Ft. Worth, TX this January that I'm SUPER excited about, and I want to have to buy new clothes for that event because none of mine fit anymore!  So far my clothes are fitting much looser than they have in the past, but I still have a ways to go before justifying a shopping spree!

I can't give up or just start to coast on the momentum already taking place.  Weight loss is an intentional, group effort.  (I say group effort because I've found that you can't lose significant weight on your own, you need a support system and I'm so glad for the one I have!)  Lifestyle change is also an intentional effort and not something that will happen by coasting.  It's an uphill battle that requires consistent effort.

Activity breeds more activity.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Weight loss update, goals set, and goals achieved!

Wow, I didn't realize it had been almost a month since I updated this puppy!  Unacceptable!  A lot has happened this month, so I'll try to cover as much as I can without overwhelming or boring you!

I guess the first thing to cover is a weight update!  Last time I informed you all I was at 346 pounds, down from my starting weight of 386 pounds.  Total loss so far was 40 pounds.  I weighed myself a few weeks ago at clocked in at 333 pounds, bumping that number of pounds lost to 53!  I absolutely credit those 13 pounds to the 24 Day Challenge because I weighted myself about 2 days after my cycle was finished and was back to normal.  I also lost a total of 5 inches!  The number of inches lost is below average, but I'm okay with it.  My clothes are fitting looser, I have more energy, and I still feel fantastic!

Another big thing that's happened, is a reduction in my mile-time!  I'm trying to run at least a mile a few times a week, along with some resistance training and other cardio workouts.  My typical routine for getting ready for a work out consists of having a Spark, and taking some ThermoPlus about 30 minutes before working out, and about 10 minutes before, I take some Catalyst.  Those three supplements really give me an energy boost, and help with my endurance and mental stamina as well.  The last three runs have really shown that!  I'm not to the point that I can run a mile without stopping yet, but the last three times in a row that I've run, I've had a new personal best!

On Monday of this past week, I went to the fitness center at work before my shift and did my best time ever!  I also hit a goal of running a full lap around the track (a quarter mile) without stopping!  I beat my current PR by a few seconds with the time of 17:01.  I was disappointed because I didn't get under 17 minutes which has been a goal for a while, but I was happy that I ran a full quarter mile!  That same day, on my lunch break, I decided to go at it again.  I went back and got on the treadmill, and while I didn't run a full lap again, I did beat my time from that morning SIGNIFICANTLY!!!!!!!  I ran that mile in 16:32!  I don't know if 30 seconds is so significant in the big picture, but considering it was my second time in the same day, I was pretty excited!  Later that week, I went to my home gym and ran again, this time, I ran a full 1/4 mile, and beat that time again and ran the mile in 16:24.  Not a huge improvement, but considering a ran the full lap, and was running more and longer distances between walking parts of it, I was still pretty psyched!

Every workout I do, I feel stronger, and it gets easier.  I can go at it longer without needing breaks, and my recovery time is getting shorter every day!

I've still got a long way to go, but I've come pretty far!  I love the encouragement I get from people who read this blog and see my posts on facebook and twitter, and from people who see me in person.  I'm hoping that by the 12th of this month, I can run a full lap around the track consistently, and not just on my good days, and my next milestone goal, is to run a mile (without stopping) by January 20th.  I think having solid goals with dates is helping a lot too in that they are helping me measure my accomplishments.

Last of all, I just want to say thanks to all of you who have been such an incredible encouragement to me so far!  One thing I've found is that there's no way I could do this on my own, but thanks to you all, I don't have to!  You guys are great and thank you!!!!!!!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

24 Day Challenge Update

A little over a week ago I finished the Advocare 24 Day Challenged that I mentioned a few posts back.  I didn't get the results I expected from it which is why I haven't posted about it until now.  I'm still not completely sure what I'm going to say, but I wanted to tell my story with it as it is now.

The 24 Day Challenge consists of 2 parts, a 10-day segment, and a 14-day segment.  The first 10 days is a cleanse phase.  No, I didn't spend the better part of the 10 days in the bathroom.  An all honesty, my day-to-day routine, as far as bathroom breaks, changed very little.  I still felt a significant difference though.  Even during the cleanse phase I felt more energetic and overall, better than I had felt in a long time!  I lost at least 3 pounds during those 10 days alone.  (I can't be sure because I didn't weigh myself until about halfway through the next phase, however.)

The next part of the 24 Day Challenge is called the Max Phase.  The focus on this part is filling you body back up with the nutrition it needs, and was designed for, now that there is room for it.  The cleanse phase scrubbed your body clean of toxins and junk left behind by the food we eat, and the max phase filled it back in with everything it needed!  During the max phase, my energy level when through the roof!  I felt so much better and ready to take on the world!  The ISC Corperate Challenge took place towards the end of the max phase of the 24 Day Challenge, and I absolutely think that it is a large reason why I had as much energy as I did that day, and a big reason why I had as much fun as I did!

There is kind of a third, unofficial, part of the 24 day challenge, which is a precurser, or sorts for it before you actually start.  For me, this part was full of questions, and anticipation.  I kept asking my friend what to expect and was excited to start, but nervous at the same time.  Leading up to it, I read stories and watched youtube video after youtube video and heard many stories about the extreme change people experienced during the 24 days alone.  I was excited to see what my own results would be, but also nervous (as I always am) about not acheiving those results.

By the end of the challenge, I felt great.  Better than I ever remember feeling before.  The scale, however, didn't exactly show it.  I lost weight, don't get me wrong, but not as much as I was expecting.  In fact, it was less than half of what I was expecting.  A little after weighing myself, I realized that I had been feeling incredibly thirsty for about two days before that, and drank double, or even triple the water (not to mention Spark and other liquids) than I usually do.  The next day I figured out why: I had started that time of the month that every woman hates!

This brought me to another realization:  every month I have a specific, almost undeniable craving for something.  And almost always for something that is not healthy at all.  Usually it's buffalo chicken, or french fries, or Dr. Pepper, or something like that.  This month, I just wanted water.  I couldn't get enough of the stuff!  I also had a lower level of energy than I had been experiencing the past few weeks, but I still felt better than I had before the challenge!

Now that that time of the month is over, I want to weigh myself again and measure myself again to see how many pounds, and inches I've lost.  I don't know what to expect.  Maybe it will be different, maybe it won't be.  What I do know is this, I feel incredible.  I have energy, my mood and confidence have improved, and my attitude towards food had made a complete 180 degree turn!  I no longer crave, or even want junk food.  I don't want soda.  I don't want potato chips or fast food.  I want healthy, lean food that tastes great and makes me feel great!  (Even my taste buds are different now, it seems like!  Food tastes so much better!)

We'll see what the scale says, but whether or not I lost the weight I was expecting to, the attitude and mentality changes I've experienced over the last month are so much more than I was expecting with the challenge!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

AdvoCare Ladies Only Webinar

Check this out with me, ladies, I've recently gotten involved with AdvoCare and I've already seen incredible results!  Let's see what AdvoCare can do for you!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Weight update!

I weighed myself earlier this week, and I've lost another 6 pounds, bringing my grand total to 40 pounds lost in the last 6(ish) month's, 20 of which were lost in the last two!

Down to 346 pounds!  My birthday is in about 6 months, hoping to be under 300 for good by then!

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Yesterday was the dreaded ISC Corporate Challenge. I got up about 45 minutes after I planned on getting up so I was very rushed in getting ready, and stressed the entire drive there about getting there on time. (Even to the point of potentially very dangerously taking my vitamins with my meal shake while driving, which I DO NOT recommend you do at home!)

 When I got there, I walked all over the field trying to find my team, and I turned out to actually be one of the first people there. I awkwardly stood around trying to find other overweight people so I didn't feel like such as sore thumb sticking out in a crowd of super athletes. After I started talking to people from my office and broke out of my shell a bit (which is something I'm finding is getting easier and easier!) I started feeling really good! In the matter of just a few minutes, I went from wanted to crawl in the back seat of my car and hide under anything I could find, to feeling pumped, feeling energized, and ready to run the 5 mile run that was about to take place! Of course I didn't run the 5-mile run, but the point is, I was feeling good!

 I started talking to someone from the department next to mine and we agreed after a few minutes, that next year, she and I were going to do the 5-mile run together. We even high-fived about it! Later on I decided that I would be fine with either the 5-mile run, or the 5K run, but I want to do at least one running event at the Corporate Challenge next year!

 As the event went on, I got even more comfortable, and I think I helped a few others, who were really shy, feel more comfortable. The only event I was doing was the Tug-of-War, which originally I was going to do that and the 5K walk, but Kelsey took me out of the 5K walk so I would have fresh legs for Tug-of-War. Something I didn't think would be a big deal, but I'll get into that in a minute! While getting ready for Tug-of-War, I was watching the people around me and I felt so inspired and so encouraged. All around me I saw athleticism. All around me I saw camaraderie. All around me I saw people supporting their teammates and co-workers.

 Watching the runners run towards the finish line was inspiring in itself and I kept telling myself: "This is going to be me next year!"

 I was surprised when Kelsey told me that she didn't want me to do the 5K walk, especially when she knows how hard I'm working toward a marathon by 2015. After the event started, though, I understood why! We all made sure we had cleats and gloves for the event and we NEEDED THEM! The first team we went against were tough, but we beat them. The next one was a bit easier, but was still a fight. I got several comments after that pull about my screaming and, I'm guessing, the intense/fierce look on my face. By the 3rd pull, however, I was digging deep, but after pulling for what seemed like several minutes (was probably actually only a few seconds) with absolutely everything I had, I just had nothing left. I held on to the rope as hard as I could, but I could see it slipping through my gloved hands.

 It was a hard fight, and afterwards, I felt it. My legs were shot. My arms were stiff. My hands felt so weak it was hard for me to pick up an apple, or peel my banana! At that point, I understood why Kelsey didn't want me to do both! I wouldn't have lasted through the first pull after walking as fast and hard as I could. This morning I work up and every muscle from one elbow, to the other was very sore. Even some muscles in my forearms and my abs were also sore!  It's eye-opening too, that I was able to last as long as the others in my team pulling that rope.  They got tired pretty much as soon as I did.  Granted, I think they recovered faster, but the point is, I'm getting stronger, and in better shape!

Overall, I'm feeling much better about my weight loss journey! After the Corporate Challenge and the encouragement of my friends, I feel encouraged and ready to hit the treadmill again tomorrow!

 Wish me perseverance!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

2011 Corperate Challenge

Next week I will be doing a 5K walk with some other folks at work in one of the events of the 2011 Corperate Challenge taking place in Indianapolis.  I'm also participating in the tug-of-war challenge, and hopefully my height and supposed upper body strength will be advantageous for once!  (My height at least!)  As exciting as doing this event is, I am a bit apprehensive about it as well.

I've always been very  nervous and uncomfortable in places where there are lots of fit, athletic people - like gyms, for example.  I'm expecting the Corporate Challenge to be no different.  There are a couple dozen people from my own work place meeting with who knows how many other people from other offices around Indy.  Not only will I be surrounded by fit people from all over the city, and the state for all I know, I'll be representing my workplace and will likely be one of the only, if not THE only overweight person there.

Another reason I kind of nervous is because I don't think I'm in as good a shape as others my size/height/weight, and I'm not in as good a shape as I'd like to be by this point in my journey.  I am very competitive and have a habit of comparing myself to others as well competing against myself, and one day, out of curiosity, I Googled how long it takes for a 300+ pound woman to walk a mile.  The answer really surprised me.  I read, in several places that it should be typical for a woman my weight to walk a mile in 15 minutes!  I'm pushing to get one in in 20 minutes on the treadmill at work!  And that's even having to take a short break or two because the sides of my calves are on fire.  (I usually don't have to do that when walking outside which is probably why I like walking/running outside so much more.)

It's disheartening to find that out because I thought, at least by now, that compared to other women/people my size, I was in better shape, and I'm working hard to continue in that track.  Today I walked around Shadyside, one of my favorite parks in Anderson and I walked about a mile farther than I usually do, but I was struggling the entire time.  My legs were burning, and I was getting winded a lot faster than I thought I should be.  I kept going, but every step was harder than my past walks.

I'm nervous because I will be surrounded by athletes at a highly athletic event and I'm afraid I will stick out like a sore thumb.  I'm discouraged because apparently I'm really out of shape even compared to other women my weight. 

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Jump start into Wellness

The past few days I've been trying something new to help jump start and motivate myself to keep working towards my weight loss goals.  I am on day 5 of the 24 day challenge which is a recommended start of a product line called AdvoCare.  It's more that just a jump start though, the company really encourages a healthy, well-rounded lifestyle and offers products and assistance to help you get there.  Advocare is a company that offers very high quality health and wellness suppliments that encourage weight loss, energy, healthy metabolism and overall wellness.  I've been using a few of their products for a while now, and I think that along with an exercise regimen, it will help me with my goal of running a marathon in 2015!

The first Advocare product I used was an energy drink called Spark.  My friend who introduced it to me said it would make me "feel like a million bucks" and I was a bit skeptical, to be honest, but I have to say, he was right!  It's a sugar-free, 45 calorie drink mix that not only tastes amazing, but it really works!  When I drank it, it certainly gave me an energy boost, but not a typical caffeine jolt or sugar high energy boost that inevitably leads to a crash.  It really felt like I had a good night sleep.  I felt more mentally focused.  My mood was lifted and I felt ready to take on the day.  All that after one Spark drink!  It wasn't long until I purchased a box of my own and the energy, focus and mood improvement continued!

The other product I bought on that first purchase were the meal replacement shakes.  I was told that they tasted great but when I got it, I was skeptical, again, that it would actually be as good as it was made out to be.  How tasty and filling could a powder mixed with 8-9 ounces of water be?  I usually do put a little more water than the instructions called for, but I was amazed at how thick and filling the shakes were!  Contained in the shake are 24 grams of protein paired with 24 carbs, between 5-6 grams of fiber, and 26 vitamins and minerals - all promoting well-rounded, easily digestible nutrition.  I usually replace breakfast with a shake, and sometimes lunch too depending on how busy my day is, but they are always tasty and filling.

Another thing I really like about AdvoCare is that the products that I have used are not only tasty, they are packed with nutrients, but low in calories.  The Spark has only 45 calories, as I mentioned before, and the meal replacement shakes have only 220.  All those benefits, and so few calories! 

The 24 Day Challenge I'm doing now starts off with a 10-day cleanse, which I am half-way through now, and then goes to the 14 day max phase that promotes metabolism, energy and weight loss/management.  I've already noticed a slight increase in energy and I'm not even to the max phase!  I measured myself before I started and using my weight from a few weeks ago as my starting weight and plan on checking again as soon as I'm done with the challenge.  I've heard that significant weight loss is common, as is a noticable reduction in inches.  I'm excited to see how it works for me!

Monday, September 5, 2011

I'm not running alone!

Something interesting happened the other day at work.  I got a text message from a friend stating that he had a proposition for me.  I had no idea what he meant, but this is the same friend who got me started on a product line called Advocare, which more infomation will be coming about Advocare shortly!  Anyway, the proposition thrown out at me was that my friend, Dan, would run the marathon with me come 2015!

I wasn't really sure what to make of it at first, but a few minutes after reading the text message I got really excited!  Through this whole process thus far I've figured that I'd run the race by myself, and maybe have some friends and family members cheer me on from the side and/or wait for me at the finish line.  Never did I think that someone would want to run it with me!

This new development adds a small degree of pressure for me, but a big chunk of motivation to keep going.  After my most recent weigh in I kinda took it easy for a while.  I didn't totally let myself go, but I didn't push quite as hard either.  Today I'm pushing again.  Pushing to eat right and exercise on a regular basis.  Pushing to better myself and treat this temple that God gave me in a more glorifying manner!

I know that 2015 is a long way away, and a lot can happen in  4-5 years (depending on when in 2015 the race takes place, I must say, I haven't really thought that far just yet), so I'm not 100% counting on him, but I am excited about the fact that I do have a friend to run the marathon with me!  I could use the accountability and the encouragement as I work towards it!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Weight Update

I met Kelsey at Cardinal Fitness in Broad Ripple (in Indy) this morning for another weigh in. I wasn't expecting to weigh in again until the end of the quarter, but it was probably better to do it today. I was nervous, like I always am before stepping on the scale, but I kept getting votes of confidence from people all around who have seen me this past month. Turns out they were right!

The scale read 352! Down 14 pounds from last month's somewhat devastating weigh in of 366! This makes my total weight loss of 34 pounds (assuming the 20 I lost before starting my new job is correct, which, for now, I'm going to treat it as it is true.

Another thing that I think will be fun, and will give me something to work towards is the Corporate Challenge coming up next month at work. I don't know exactly what it will be, but it sounds like a bunch of companies in Indianapolis are getting together for a day of friendly (and fierce) athletic competition! I've been recruited to participate in the tug-of-war challenge, and the 5K walk!

Tug-of-war I'm not too worried about. Just need to work my back, my shoulder (and biceps) and my legs to make sure they are good and strong. The 5K walk on the other-hand, I need to work towards a better time. Yesterday I met with a friend and we walked around Shadyside Park, here in Anderson, which my Noom App (Android Market link) on my phone calculated as 3.3 miles, in about 57 minutes. I've heard from other people, however, that the loop around Shadyside is actually closer to 2.6 miles, so I'll need to find a longer route to walk to try to figure out my time, and then start to improve it.

Exciting times! Gotta keep this momentum up!

Sunday, August 21, 2011


I really need to get some pictures of myself on here.  Hopefully that will motivate me and inspire others as well!

Lifestyle changes

Anyone who has tried and succeeded in losing weight will tell you that it's more than a temporary diet or a year-long gym membership.  It's a complete lifestyle change.  It's a change in how you think about food, exercise, and yourself.  It's a change in how you go through the day.  It's a change in what comforts you and what stresses you out.  I'm finding that there's even another layer to the lifestyle change that I didn't anticipate until a few short weeks ago.

I've always been a night owl.  I love staying up late at night watching movies, talking to other night owls online, having some me-time.  There are several reasons why being a night-owl probably isn't the healthiest option for me.  1.)  One of my favorite things to do at night when I'm by myself is eat.  Usually, I like eating lots of junk food and or carbs.  I don't think I have to explain why this is a bad thing!  2.)  By getting up earlier in the morning, I can take some time to start my day in prayer and in the scriptures.  Spend some quality time with the Lord and let that be the foundation of my day.  3.)  For years I've struggled with winter depression, and I think part of the reason for that is because I am such a night person.  Less hours in the daylight = more and more intense depressive thinking.

Especailly with the new job I've recently started, being a night person isn't very condusive to my social life, or my efforts in getting fit.  I have free access to the gym here at work, but it closes at 6pm, and I don't usually get off until 6:15.  I don't really want to work out during my lunch hour, even though I have done that before, so it works best for me to work out in the morning, before work.

Now, besides getting my butt out of bed in the morning, staying up late presents several other challenges.  I have kind of a weird morning routine.  I usually have to go to the bathroom several times because one of my favorite things to do at night when I'm alone is eat.  By going to bed earlier, before I get hungry and wanting to eat again and again and again, my routine can become more predicatable and quicker.

I also have noticed a pattern in my eating habits, I usually start off really well, then I wait to long between meals, and by the end of the day, I'm starving and want something fast, and something now.  Usually that means the McDonalds or the Hardee's on my way home from work.  Hopefully by getting up earlier, I can start off eating a good breakfast, and have some healthy snacks I can munch on throughout the day so I'm not starving by the time I leave work and start my long commute home.

Another reason is that my society isn't exactly friendly to night people!  Most jobs start early, no matter what time you go to bed!  By going to bed earlier, I'll have more energy in the day, won't be tempted to munch to much and won't rely on heavily caffinated drinks to get me through the day.  Also on days I don't work all day, I can maybe go for a workout in the afternoon instead of take a nap.

As if changing my lifestyle to add in a regular exercise routine, and change the foods I eat isn't hard enough, now I have to be okay with getting up early as well!  It's ironic that I'm writinga about the benefits of being a morning person at 12:50 in the morning as I'm in my bed winding down from the day!  All these changes seem a bit too much... it's unending, but whatever it takes.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

It's a long journey.

Yesterday I hit a major hurdle.  One of the things I love about my new job is the emphasis and rewards you can get for being healthy.  Basically if I continue what I've been doing the past few months, I get be rewarded with more than just a warm fuzzy feeling that I sometimes get after a good workout.  Last night though, I weighed myself, and I didn't like what I saw.

I don't know what's happened over the past few month's, whether I've been reading the scale wrong, standing on it wrong, or if it's just completely off, but for some reason, the scale I stood on last night gave me a very different number than I've been seeing.

I was really excited because last time I weighed myself at White River Club I was at 312, and I thought that this could be the month that I get out of the 300's for good.  That's definitely not the case.  The scale at the gym at work wasn't able to compute my weight at all.  I didn't know what to make of it, but I tried not to think about it.  The trainer tried again yesterday before work and it still wouldn't give a number, so we agreed to meet, after I got off, at another gym in Indy.

When I got there and weighed myself, the number wasn't good, and I didn't take it very well.  The new number I'm starting at, instead of 336, which, I thought, was the heaviest I'd ever been, is 366 pounds.

I was in shock.  Last night I tried to tell myself, as did Kelsey, the trainer at work, that the number does not define me, but I couldn't even formulate the words in my head, let alone speak them out loud.  I was confused, and angry.  How in the world did I get that big?  How did I get that big and not realize it? What have other people thought when they could tell that I was fatter than what I was saying I was, and then saying I wanted to run a marathon?  A lot of questions were running through my head, mostly starting with the word "how".

So, I have a new starting point.  I'm not sure what to make the the 20 pounds I've supposedly lost over the past few months.  Maybe the scale at White River was off on those too.  I certainly don't feel like I've lost weight, and I don't think I look like I have because my clothes are still fitting the same.  If I have lost 20 pounds, I don't like the thought that at one point I weighted 386 pounds.  THAT'S ALMOST 400 POUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm really fighting my cynical nature and tendency towards negative thinking right now.  There so much I want to post that I'm not because of my post last week about trying to think more positively about myself.  And because I don't want this blog to be a pity party, but a source of encouragement and inspiration for others, as well as a place that people can encourage me to not give up.

In the past, when I thought something was impossible, I've turned to food for comfort, and that's another thing I'm fighting.  Maybe God was protecting me 4 months ago when I weighed myself for the first time, because if I saw 386 as the number, right then I would have thrown the towel in and said, it's not possible to get fit, what the point of even trying?  Even now I'm fighting that train of thought and fighting the urge to put a frozen pizza in the oven and eat the entire thing with a beer and watching TV.  That's exactly what I would have done 4 months ago.  I want to do that now, but I'm resisting.

Thinking healthy thoughts.  Or trying to at least.

Taking things one day at a time.

Thinking about what I've already accomplished, measly as it might be, it's still an accomplishment, and not focusing on the long, hard journey I have ahead of me.

Most of all, I'm trying to lean on God in this time of weakness.  There's no way I can do this on my own, but with His help, and people and things He provides to help me along the way, anything is possible.  Even for me.

Why Am I Doing This?

Why do I want to change my lifestyle?  What does it matter if I'm healthy or not?  What's the big deal with a marathon?

I'm doing this because I don't want to have issues with my knees at 30 years old.

I don't want to be tired all the time.

I don't want to take forever to recover from trivial injuries.

I want to be able to run around and play with my kids after I get married and have a family.

I want to feel confident with my husband, whomever he may be.

I want to be independent when I get older, and not lose my dignity before I lose my life.

I want to live a long life.

I want to have mental stamina.

I want to be an encouragement/inspiration to others.

I don't want my life to revolve around my stomach size.

I don't want to develop diabetes.

I don't want to develop heart disease.

I don't want to have to carry an oxygen tank because my lungs can't get enough on their own.

I want to be able to walk around the mall, the park, Kings Island, and so on without having to worry about when I get sit down and rest my legs/hips/knees/heart.

I don't want my weight to dictate my life.

Some of these may sound weird, and some are things that happen to people regardless of weight, but I want to minimize my chances of some of these thing happening as much as I can.

A friend said something to me last night that has stuck with me.  I'm paraphrasing his words because I can't remember them exactly:

"You have a long journey ahead of you, but don't think about how far you have yet to go, think about how far you've come and keep going one day at a time."

One day at a time.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Two weeks overdue...

So, as the title suggests, this posts is about two weeks overdue.  It's been a crazy few weeks, and I will get into that here shortly!

When I weighed myself a few weeks ago, I was surprised a the number.  I was expecting to have gained back some of the weight I've lost, but instead, I did, for the third month in a row, lose weight!  Now, it wasn't very much, but still, a negative number is better than nothing!

In the month of June, I lost a total of 4 pounds, bringing my total weight loss to 20 pounds, and I'm down to 312.  I am hoping, this month to lose 12 more and get me down to 300 even, or even better, to get out of the 300's forever and into the 200's for a short while.  It's not looking like 12 pounds will happen, but I do think I will lose more, and keep the momentum going.  Even if I don't break 300 pounds, I'm not going to let that slow me down.

Now, as I said before, the past few weeks have been a bit crazy.  There was the 4th of July that took place, and even bigger (to me) was the fact that I got a new job!  I've only been there for a week, but so far, I really like it.  I now work for a company that values it's employees and places a lot of trust in us, and because of that, I'm going to work my butt off for them.

Among the many perks of my new employer, is it's emphasis on health and fitness.  Now, being a big girl, that is slightly intimidating to me.  There have been times that I've felt like there was a huge spotlight on me as one of the few overweight people who work there, and whenever the topic of health and wellness comes up, there's a huge white elephant in the room with my name on it.  Haha, get it?  White elephant???  I wasn't even going for it, but it seems to be a nice little pun!  Yeah... anyway....

I really need to not to talk negatively about myself.  Growing up, I had huge self-image issues that all came back to my weight.  I really think that's one of the reasons why I've gotten to the size I am now. After the summer of 2008, that stopped.  I no longer thought that way about myself and I actually did get healthier for a while.  For the past year or so, though, I've regressed.  I've let negative thoughts creep into my head and those thoughts manifested in a gain in weight, which just reinforced those thoughts, and they cycle continued.

I need to stop thinking about myself that way and think about myself as Christ does - but still with humility.  According to Jesus Christ, I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  My body is a temple, so there is some renovating that needs to be done, but according to Him, I still have value, worth, and beauty.  I can't let Satan grab a hold of me any longer.  I am free from his bonds.  I was freed from them when Christ died for me 2000 years ago.  Praise the Lord!

Okay, so in conclusion, another 4 pounds gone, a new job that emphasizes and even rewards health, and no more being negative about God's creation!

Monday, July 4, 2011


So, I missed Weigh-Day on the last Monday of last month, and when I went again that week, I either forgot to weigh myself, of I talked myself out of it.

This month hasn't really been a good one.  My activity has gone down again to twice a week with my trainer, and there's been very little cardio activity outside of that.  Worse still, is my eating.  It's not as bad has it has been in the past, but it's certainly been backtracking instead of getting better.

Friday, June 10, 2011


One of the most disappointing things in my weight-loss venture thus far stems from this: I've not yet lost all the weight I've gained since graduated college and I'm certainly bigger than I was in high school.

I've pretty intentionally isolated myself, especially over the past few months, mostly out of shame.  I was embarrassed at how I looked, I didn't feel good about myself, and I hated where I was in life.  I withdrew into myself, and really only saw a select few people, and interacted with as few as I could at work.

Another Day, Another Walk

Yesterday I had the opportunity to leave my job early so I did what's becoming more normal for me when I have days and/or afternoons off, I took my dog, Lady, for a walk in one of the local parks.  Started off pretty normal.  The past few days there was a major heat wave that came though that brought incredibly high humidity and made any outdoor activity almost unbearable.  Yesterday, though, was a balmy 89 degrees (and the best part was, no humidity)!

I started off a little dehydrated so I didn't really think anything of the fact that my legs felt tired more quickly than they had before.  That and my trainer had worked out my legs pretty hard the day before too!  The pace felt slower than the previous walks, but still pretty good.  During the walk, I found that my dog is less afraid of people than she used to be, but she's now terrified of other dogs, which is a new development for her.  I need to get her out and socialize her more, I think.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Progress so Far

Starting weight: 336

Last month's weight: 324

Current weight: 316

Does anyone know of a widget or gadget I can add to this blog to make keeping track of this easier?

Friday, June 3, 2011

I just got back from walking one of my favorite routes (and when I say favorite route, I mean just about the only one I've walked in Anderson).  My dog is still panting on the floor from the walk even though we've been home now for about 15-20 minutes.  I'm actually started to get a little cold as I've been sitting on my couch cooling off from sweating outside in the sun.

It was a lot cooler than I expected outside, but I knew I was starting off dehydrated as I just woke up a few hours ago (I slept in as I didn't have to go to work today!) and the first thing I drank was a can of soda, (which is bad even though it was diet!) so I made sure to bring lots of water for both me and my dog!

So anyway, the route I walk there is about 2 miles (give or take maybe a 10th or so...)  Now that it's finally warmer, I want to go over there once or twice a week, maybe on my day off and on my way home from work.  Last time I went, it took me about 36 minutes to walk the route.  Today, right around 32!  I felt like I was working harder pretty much the entire time I was walking, but at the same time, I felt more able to keep pushing even though my calves were starting to burn and I was getting out of breath faster.  (Really out of shape, I know, but that's the point of this blog!)

Wendesday was also Weigh Day, a few days late, but Monday was a holiday and I wasn't able to get to the gym on Tuesday.  During the month of May, I lost 8 pounds!  I've been told by a few people that that's pretty awesome but I can't seem to believe it when they tell me that.

A few weeks ago a good friend, Joel, sent me a link to a beginners running program appropriately called "Run Your Butt Off".  AKA "RYBO".  It breaks running down into very small increments and is designed to take people who have never run a step in their lives to being able to run for 30 minutes straight.  I read about the program and was so impressed (maybe motivated?) that I bought the book that detailed the program as well as subscribed to a year of Runners World.  Starting to think I'm kind of a sucker...

I've only read a little bit of the book so far, and I'm still waiting on the first issue of the magazine, but I can already tell, the people who wrote/write this thing really love running.  I think they will have some great tips and great motivators for a beginner [fat] runner.

I would say that right now, I'm cautiously optimistic about it!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Weigh Day is Approaching

Part of my plan to track my progress as well as  to motivate myself to keep working to lose weight and get fit is to weigh myself once a month.  The day I chose to do this is on the last Monday of every month.  This time around, the last Monday falls on a holiday - Memorial Day, and so I won't be able to weigh myself at the gym tomorrow evening.  No worries, though, I'll just weigh myself on Tuesday if I make it in there (which hopefully I will), or if all else fails, I'll weigh myself on Wednesday.

I've always hated weighing myself.  For years I avoided the scale at all costs, choosing to focus more on how my clothes fit me and how much energy I had.  In college, that worked pretty well.  Unlike most people I actually lost weight in college because my activity level shot through the roof.  I was running all over campus all day, and in the fall, was in marching band, which was, in itself, pretty rigorous at times.  My eating habits weren't good at all, but they were pretty much the same they had always been.

After I graduated, I went from running all over campus in between classes to sitting on the couch, watching TV, eating potato chips for hours on end.  I was still working, but I only worked a 4-hour shift 3 or 4 times a week.  Lots of boredom eating.  Lots of emotional eating.  Lots of inches around the waist.  I started getting really discouraged, but instead of doing the smart thing and trying to hit up the gym more, I turned to food for comfort.  (I've been an emotional eater my entire life.)  Talk about your vicious cycle!  So the weight gain continued.

I hit my tipping point when I realized I was beyond what I call my "pre-corps" weight.  (That's another story for another time.)  Suffice to say that I was the biggest I had ever been in my life.  I was ashamed to see people I knew from college, and I didn't want to meet new people because I was ashamed of the where I was in life.  Where I still am actually, but now I'm taking steps to change that!

By weighing myself once a month, I don't feel overwhelmed or controlled by the scale.  It's frequent enough to keep me going, as seeing results is one of my biggest motivators, but not enough to become obsessed with the numbers.  Last month I lost 12 pounds.  I didn't think that was such a big deal, but as I told a few people, they assured me that it was!  I thought about what I started doing differently that month to help me lose that weight, and I became even more conscience of new and developing habits for months to come.

The biggest thing that needed changing was my eating habits.  Being a boredom and emotional eater is one of the worst things, I've found, when you're trying to get healthy.  I cut down on the snacks I had at my desk at work, and started drinking water instead.  Sounds simple right?  It is!  I also found that I need to eat breakfast so I don't have the temptation to munch all day.  (One of my biggest problems, is that when I start eating, I don't stop until I'm absolutely stuffed!)  Recently, I bought a Brita Bottle which helps the water at work taste better.  Granted, the change in taste isn't huge, but there is a difference!  The only downside is that I have to go to the bathroom a lot more, which isn't really a downside as it gets me up and moving more often!

On my lunch breaks, I started going to subway more, instead of McDonalds.  The sandwich artists at the two restaurants close to my work are starting to get to know me fairly well!

I also have cut out a lot of soda, not necessarily all of it, but instead of drinking 1-2 pops a day, I drink 2-3 a week, and instead drink a lot more water, and/or tea.  (Tea is usually lightly sweetened, but most of the time not sweetened at all!)

So what does all this mean for this month?  I don't know what to expect when I step on the scale this week.  It's been a very interesting month and the oddities have shown in my eating/work out habits.  The biggest change, I think, has been in my lunch break choices, which have been leaning more towards McDonalds again, and Wendy's.  (What can I say? I have a weakness for french fries!)  Everything else has been about the same, and the past two weeks or so, I have been making it to the gym more habitually than before, so maybe I'll shed a few more pounds again.

We'll just have to wait and see I guess!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Where I'm coming from...

I'm 24 years old and I've been obese my entire life.  When I look back, it's a wonder I don't have more health issues than I do.  My knees are only just now starting to hurt, but only a little bit and after a lot of stress already.  I get winded easily, but considering my health and fitness level, I'm surprised I don't have diabetes, heart/lung problems, and joint problems galore!

I'm tired of being fat, and recently made a goal that by the year 2014, I will run a marathon.  A lofty goal, to be sure, when you're starting off as someone who's never run before, a day in her life to doing one of the most lofty displays of athleticsm today.

I've set several smaller goals, to work up to the 26.2 miles that is a marathon... including being able to run a mile without stopping, running a 5K, 10K, Mini marathon, and finally, the marathon.

Starting point: 336 pounds.
Final goal: Marathon.

This is my journey.