Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Over the past few months, I've been working really hard to get healthy and lose weight.  If you asked me three months ago what I thought about the Holidays, I woudl have been nervous, and tried not to think about them too much.  It was never activity that was my biggest problem, it was food.  I've always enjoyed sports and working up a good sweat.  No, my biggest problem was always food.  I had a weakness for massive amount of junk food.

Thanksgiving is the start of the holidays when people usually let themselves go.  Very little attention is paid to nutrition and moderation and it's easy to give into the temptation to indulge again and again and again.  Three months ago, I would have been dreading the Holidays.  Three weeks ago, I wasn't worried at all!

My family is notorious for bringing way too much food for the number of people attending an event.  Good food!  Massive amounts of amazing food!

This year was no different, however, it wasn't a problem!

This year, Thanksgiving was at night, instead of the lunch meal like it normally is with my family.  That day, I didn't change my eating pattern.  I ate breakfast, I ate lunch, and a small snack in the afternoon.  That way, that evening, when the massive amounts of amazing food weren't such an issue anymore!  Yeah, I ate a little more for dinner than I usually did, but I didn't over-indulge!  The next day I weighed myself and I even still lost weight!  (Official weight update to come!)

I think that's the trick.  Between changing attitudes about food, and keeping my normal eating habits, the holidays won't be a disaster!

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